Winter season of anime is coming to an end and that means spring is coming. So what's there to watch in spring? I'm going to write some anime that seems interesting and notable. Yes, I changed the format of this, this was my "What I will Watch for (insert season) anime" section but that section has a curse so I'll scrap it. Well then, without further ado, let's get started.
Disclaimer: The season has started when I post this, but in the time I write this, none has aired yet
1. Shingeki no Kyojin S2
I have to mention this one, don't I? This is probably the anime that most people, me excluded, are waiting for. Well, what to say, more spiderman with cutters killing naked huge man. This time, with Eren being more and more useless than ever. Not like he's ever been any of use other than the one who carries the damn boulder. Well, I may or may not watch it, I have read the manga after all.
This is the second one that most people, yet again me excluded, are waiting for. I couldn't care less for it, so that's that.
Sword Oratoria is a side story for a series we know and love (or hate), Danmachi. Even if you have no idea what that anime is, if you're in the anime community, you probably have seen Hestia at some point. Gosh, she was a sudden boom in the internet all of the sudden when the anime aired. Back to the point, Sword Oratoria follows not the story of Bell, but the more interesting, Sword Princess, Aiz Wallenstein. If you like danmachi or fantasy in general, you'll probably going to enjoy this. I, myself, am looking forward for this.