Alright, I'm bored and so I thought why not make this. For this, I'll go episode per episode, writing anything I thought about that episode, mostly highlights, the mechs, and characters. Especially the latter two. I played the game long time ago and I loved it, really love it. I haven't gotten around to watch the anime so I thought, why not.
I'll write anything that I want to write about, again mostly mechs and characters but I will also talk some stuffs about the backstory of this since this is based on the second game. So yeah, you kinda need the knowledge of the first one to be able to fully follow this series. Granted there's also an anime adaptation of the first one but it's subpar at best.
How will I explain things? I will write about mechs and characters that appeared in that episode. Note that I probably won't be writing about it again if I had already. Also I won't write characters that didn't play a major role in the game. Even if he's the freaking president. Yes, President Midcrid won't get any spotlight. Mostly because he's not a pilot.
Also warning, major spoilers are present obviously but I'll try to not talk too much into things that hasn't happened yet.
The story starts off with Axel Almer fighting beowulf, Kyousuke Nanbu in the other world. This might seem to be confusing for some but let me explain it briefly. Basically those two are from another world similar to where the story takes place. They fight and Axel jumped to our world.
Axel Almer |
Speaking of Axel, here's our first character. Axel is a cool dude in my opinion. He's damn strong but that's certainly not a good thing for the players since well, he's hostile. He and his Soulgain wrecked me time and time again in the game which can get quite frustrating at times. Especially when Lamia (who is she? I'll get to her when she eventually appears) has to fight him. Chance of me hitting him <10 100="" 1="" a="" at="" best="" chance="" damage="" he="" health="" him:="" him="" his="" hitting="" laughable="" me:="" me="" my="" nightmare="" of="" p="" s="" see="" to="" why="" worst.="">
And then this scene happened. There's 2 thing I'd like to write about in this scene. First, holy crap that transformed Alt is huge. But I'll keep it at that for now
Second, the tiny mech is Soulgain, Axel's mech. Like its pilot, this mech is also a nightmare. Whether that's because the mech is strong or the pilot is strong, who knows. Maybe even both. Soulgain isn't a playable mech sadly.
Bian Zoldark, leader of the Divine Crusaders |
Now what is the Divine Crusaders one might ask when watching this episode. Divine Crusaders or DC for short, is an armed coup d'tat by Bian Zoldark against the world government, specifically against the Earth Federation Army (EFA). Yes, as you would have guessed by now, this anime has A LOT of abbreviation. Bian created this group on the pretense of "EFA doesn't have what it takes to fight the aliens" but his true motives are to force the EFA and technology to rapidly grow to be able to fight the aliens head to head and hey, he succeeded.
White Star, the base of the Aerogaters |
Brian spoke of the alien that attacked earth. Those aliens are called Aerogaters. They're technologically superior and attacked earth to kidnap earthlings to be used as pilots for their mechs. Why? Because apparently earthlings has a talent for waging wars. Which isn't surprising considering humanity loves to wage war. Brian also mentioned the L5 Campaign which is an all-out assault on white star, the base of the aerogaters which is located in L5 sector in space. As someone who played the first game, man, the L5 campaign is really hard. Especially with a ridiculously strong mech the enemy owned, Judecca.
After the war against the aerogaters ended, the EFA can't fully rest. The remnants of the DC, those who doesn't follow Bian's ideals, are still loose and the EFA needs to hunt them down.
Gespenst Mk. II |
Oh hey, there's the classic Gespenst Mk.II. The mech that I hate with passion. Why? They suck. Their stats are horrendous which is to be expected from a mass-produced model I suppose. But what made them really bad is their non-existent evasion stat. Not even the evasion goddess, Latooni, herself can dodge in this piece of junk. They serve one purpose though, be a temporary mech to fill in the team until you get a better one and then you can forget this mech ever existed.
Lion |
Another mass-produced mech but this one is a lot better than the previous one. Lion is an mech produced by the DC back in the DC war and it wrecked the EFA hard. Which is obvious since the EFA relies heavily on tanks, fighter jets, and the junk they call Gespenst Mk.II and then the DC has the technologically superior Lion. Lion has a high mobility and versatility. They don't hit hard but they can dodge things fairly consistently.
Excellen Browning |
One of the main character appeared! Here's the joke lieutenant, Excellen Browning. Yes, I really do mean it, a joke. She's hardly serious most of the time as one can see in this episode. But she's a fun character to watch definitely. In-game though, she's amazing. One of the mainstay of my team. Her evasion is really high, she pilots Weissritter which is an amazing mech (I'll get to that later). Not to mention she has hit&run skill which is amazing. Also she's a main character so... ofc she's a mainstay.
Weissritter |
Here's Excellen's mech, the weissritter. As mentioned before, this mech is amazing aside from looking really cool and it can freaking fly thanks to Tesla Drive. Weissritter is a sniper mech for sure. Its weapon has amazing range in game and also shown in this episode. It has high mobility and evasion, accuracy isn't great but it's not bad either. It hits hard atop all of that. Sadly though, this beautiful white knight is a paper tiger. A hit from any enemy can deal up to half its maximum health. Some unique enemy character can even one-shot her. Dodge, don't tank.
Barellion |
A long ranged artillery mech owned by the DC. Barellion has ridiculous range and hits quite hard too. On top of that, they're usually quite tanky which made them a pain to deal with at times. Luckily though, they have practically zero evasion so hitting them wouldn't be an issue.
Kyousuke Nanbu |
And here's our main character, Kyousuke Nanbu. A stoic, cool, military man. Arguably Super Robot Taisen OG has 2 main character, him and Ryusei but Kyousuke is better in every single way possible. This man has broken stats, he is ridiculously powerful. He tanks hard and not so much in evasion but with some stat allocation, he can dodge well too which adds to his brokenness.
Alteisen |
Alt is Kyousuke's mech. This behemoth has a ridiculous armaments to say the least. As shown, one of its most potent armaments are its pile bunker attached to its arm. Yes, ridiculous considering just how close you need to get to actually use it. Alteisen has a shit ton of armor and hits like a truck. In my game, Alt can easily tank most attacks and one-shot most enemy (excluding boss character ofc). As one can expect, a lot of armor and dodging don't go hand in hand. This behemoth can't dodge, not that it needs to.
Brooklyn "Bullet" Luckfield |
Brooklyn or Bullet as most people call him is the last batch of the ATX team. What is the ATX team? I'll get to that later. He's not that good of a pilot to be honest or to be exact, he got put into a mech that failed to utilize his strong points. Huckenbein Mk.II isn't a mech for him but luckily he'll get a better one later on. "Better" isn't a correct word for that overpowered mech actually. Considering he's the only one (+Kusuha) that can pilot that OP mech made him a mainstay in my team.
Huckebein Mk.II M |
Why did the anime decided to put Bullet in the Huckebein Mk.II M is beyond me to be honest. His mech is the Huckebein Mk.II! It's similar but vastly different. Huckebein Mk.II is a special unit for Bullet and Huckebein Mk.II M is a mass produced one, a weaker version by far. It doesn't even has a gravicon system, T-Link system, nor G-Impact cannon. Don't get me wrong though, Huckebein Mk.II M is a great mech although inferior to its prototype. I did use it extensively with Latooni in the first game. It was a juggernaut back then, not so much here.

This man mentioned ATX Team and I mentioned it too briefly earlier. So what is it? The ATX Team is a unit consists of Kyousuke, Excellen, and Bullet. They're a special unit equipped with special mechs used for special ops. As the soldier mentioned, the ATX team participated in the L5 Campaign and is one of the reason why it succeeded. This team used to have another member, their leader actually, Sanger Zonvolt until the man switched side to the DC. Ever since that, Kyousuke has been the leader of the ATX Team.
Shirogane |
The Space Noah Class Battleship, Shirogane. It looks amazing, it sounded amazing, it's anything but that in actual combat. In the story they mentioned the space noah class to be really amazing, has high firepower, so on so forth, but in actual use, they're a liability at best. Shirogane is the worst out of the battleships to make things worse. But hey, it functioned as a hangar and it did that role really well.
Lee Linjun |
Lee is a prodigy from the pilot cadet and got promoted into the captain of the prestigious space noah class battleship at a young age. Knowing that, you'd expect him to be a great character but no. Shit personality, shit stats, shit battleship, all bad. I'm forced to use him in a few missions and man, he's a liability to the team in all of them.
Archibald Grims |
The evil man no one likes nor hates. I just don't care about him in most cases. He's not particularly strong nor weak. He's just there just because. He did cause some tragedy in the past relating to the Branstein family which they will mention repeatedly.
Guarlion |
Guarlion is one of the better mass-produced mechs, again by the DC. Yes, the DC made a lot of great mechs. It has high mobility, high evasion, high attack, and a fair amount of defense. A good all-rounder and is quite good to use. In the first game though, in the second, it's fairly outdated. The guarlion can still hold-out on its own but there's a lot of better option out there. It looks amazing though.
Yuuki Jaggar |
Yuuki is a really amazing pilot. But as an enemy, he's a pain to fight. He has a fairly high stat so expect him to dodge a lot and hit a lot. Good thing the mech he use is subpar compared to most but he's still deadly regardless.
Carla Borgnine |
No Carla, it's not that they're powerful... actually, you're fighting Excellen, yes, she's powerful.. Back to my point, Carla is weak, really weak. Her stats isn't bad but they're not good and by the time I got her, I have a lot of other pilots that can do her job way better than her. Since I hardly ever use her, I can't say for sure whether she gets better or not.
Thrudgelmir |
Why the hell is this mech here?! He's not supposed to appear until much later. Anyway, this mech, the thrudgelmir, is a variant of the grungust. Anyone who look at it will know that it is a super robot type and it is. It's tanky as hell and hits damn hard. Especially with its colossal blade.
AngelG |
And it appears, one of the weirdest mech in the series, AngelG. As the name suggests, yes, it is designed with an angel in mind. Thank god the pilot is a female though. Just imagine a brawny male piloting this mech, it's repulsive. Personally I'm not a big fan of this mech and its pilot but I know a lot of people love angelg and lamia. She's not bad but I prefer ones that can actually dodge or if not tank. She tries to do both but excels at none.
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