Monday, September 19, 2016

Random Anime: Mayoiga

Disclaimer: Everything written here is only my opinion and my personal preferences, do not take any kind of offense of what i write here. Also as the name suggests, I use a randomizer to pick what anime i'll write about next.

Title: Mayoiga
Episode Count: 12
Aired: Spring 2016
Studio: Diomedia
Source: original
Genre: drama, horror, mystery, psychological

- Synopsis (Source: MAL):

A bus full of eccentric individuals is headed towards the urban legend known as Nanaki Village, a place where one can supposedly start over and live a perfect life. While many have different ideas of why the village cannot be found on any map, or why even the polive cannot pinpoint its location, they each look forward to their new lives and just what awaits them once they reach their destination. Judging from the state of disrepair, it has been vacant for at least a year. However, secrets are soon revealed as some of the group begin to go missing while exploring the village and amidst the confusion, they find bloody claw marks in a forest. As mistrust and in-fighting break out, will they ever be able to figure out the truth behind this lost village?

- Personal Thoughts (probably will be biased and has a bad quality, you have been warned):

When i see this anime when i was browsing through what anime that will air in spring 2016, this one instantly caught my eye. The main idea of the story had so much potential but unfortunately this series failed to bring out that potential. Although i did say that this series failed to deliver the potential it had, i can't really say that the series is bad. To be honest, i somewhat enjoyed it even though there's still a lot to be desired.
The three actually important characters

The story starts with a huge cast of characters that wants to start of to a new life because their current lives are miserable. But when they arrive in this so called Nanaki Village to start a new life, things aren't as good as they think. What's interesting about the story is that they deal with psychological trauma and the characters try to overcome theirs.
I'd be traumatized if I see a bee that huge. No, I'll go insane.
Giant silicon monster. Yeah. Silicon

When I say huge cast, i really mean huge cast. There's freaking 30 participant in this shady tour to start a new life and two other more character. What's worse? They introduce all of them in one freaking episode. How am I supposed to remember or even care about them? What's even worse than that? Most of them are really annoying in their own way. Let's try to name a few. Our main character Mitsumune. His friend which has a somewhat borderline gay attitude, Hayato. The main heroine, Masaki. The dude with a cool name, Valkana. Jack. Ketsu-kun, i forget his name but ketsu (butt) shall do fine. The cool yet somewhat cute girl, Lion. Done. I can't remember the rest of them.
I really like her character but unfortunately the series doesn't do her justice

Their huge cast also plays a major part of why the series failed. They had to set up the world, the place, legend, and mysteries, leaving little time to develop their huge cast. I had thought they might kill off the majority of their characters and focus on a few of their characters, which truthfully for the good of the series. But they decided "hey, we need to develop these characters. Let's do three in one episode and ruin everything". Yeah. Doing two in one episode is quite bad, but doing three, that's the death of character development. Because the character development failed, the characters are annoying, and the viewer can barely remember any of their cast, why should we care for those characters when they're faced with their trauma? See why this series failed? Not to mention the plot holes are so real, i can't even.
Just look at how many characters there are.
How am I supposed to remember all of them? How?

- Verdict:

Despite my constant protest, this series did manage to enjoy me to some extent. The idea is interesting and if one want to see how not to develop your character, do watch this.
Yay! Giant deformed stuffed penguin

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